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Transition to IATF 16949

Discussion in 'IATF 16949:2016 - Automotive Quality Systems' started by MCW8888, Jun 12, 2017.

  1. MCW8888

    MCW8888 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2015
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    To All my friends,
    I have been away for a while because I've been busy with the transition to ISO9001:2015 and IATF 16949. The biggest hurdle in this journey is to get customer score cards. Some OEM customers do not issue score cards at all. We have Customer Survey that we issue internally to OEM customers but this is not enough to satisfy RULE#5.

    I would like to thank Jennifer, Bev, Andy and other consultants in this forum who have shared some of their resources for me to use. I have used the downloads and the auditors breezed through them without any questions. Of course we have to talk about the Risk and Opportunities.

    We only came out with a few minors some of it are attributed to support processes conducted at remote locations.

    The auditor audited to the root cause that's the reason why it took so long and exhaustive. Overall it was a week long of learning experience.
  2. Balasubramanyam K

    Balasubramanyam K Member

    May 2, 2017
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    Hi, can you share your experience with auditors on their focus areas?
  3. MCW8888

    MCW8888 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2015
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    It was a very long journey-from Call Center in Far East to Supply Chain in US finishing in the Manufacturing plant. The audit finished in 10 days. The audit focus on supplier performance. It starts with us having to retrieve our score cards from the OEM portal and if the scores do not correlate with our internal evaluation of our effectiveness, we have to show evidence of action taken to resolve it. This is the IATF requirement. If we did not have those evidence, we were suppose to get a Major per IATF. Overall, it was a learning experience. We did not have a major only a few minors that are correctible within the time frame alloted. Some of our minors were found in the support processes located "across the pond". But since we are the IATF certified plant we have to bear the pain. The audit was risk based so the auditor was auditing to the root cause, not just "fluffing the leaves". The week was exhausting but we learned a lot about the true process audit. It is not enough that we know where to locate the current revision of CSR's -we need to provide objective evidence that we were implementing them. There was Leadership involvement in the implementation and audit process. That was good. The Continuous Improvement culture was noted. The forms that Jennifer published in this forum was very handy. Thank you all for helping me. Would it be better to just be ISO9001:2015 certified and meet Customer specific requirements? Maybe yes. It will free us from the IATF strict rules. I recommend to go ahead and update. The risk is that there will be nonconformance-Major or Minor but it will be fix. Hope this helps.
    Atul Khandekar likes this.
  4. Andy Nichols

    Andy Nichols Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    In the "Rust Belt"
    Unless you have the same auditors as MCW8888, this question cannot be accurately answered. Auditors, especially from different CBs have different approaches. Expecting humans to adopt the same approach, at least in certification, is - as experience shows - an impossible task.
  5. MCW8888

    MCW8888 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Its true. One of the plants in Europe also upgraded to IATF and the auditors did not even visit Customer Service and Sales; and did not ask for score cards. They had an easy pass because this was the first time for this facility and auditor to experience the IATF standard. Will their certificate be more compromise if the IATF sees the report?