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Performance Appraisals / Reviews

Discussion in 'Other Quality and Business Related Topics' started by RoxaneB, May 14, 2019.

  1. RoxaneB

    RoxaneB Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 31, 2015
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    Ontario, Canada
    For the first time, I am now directly responsible for conducting performance appraisals/reviews. Beyond a discussion regarding planned goals and their achievement (or lack thereof), what I put down can have an impact on people's finances.

    The individuals on my team have completed their self-evaluations - detailing if they hit their planned targets, challenges/constraints that prevented them from hitting targets, a rating for each target (from 0 "significantly missed target" to 5 "significantly exceeds target"). and an overall rating (same 0-5 scoring).

    Any words of wisdom on how I can ensure my feedback adds value? Beyond the common sense stuff such as being honest, to the point, constructive, etc., I mean.

    More importantly, any thoughts how to boost one team member's confidence while helping another one see the reality that s/he isn't as "good" as s/he thinks s/he is?

    When I've done these from strictly from an auditing perspective, it seemed easier. There were defined criteria for auditors to develop and grow their skills, and the reviews were a chance to discuss what was on track, exceeding expectations, and/or needed coaching. While there are defined goals, not that I had a say in them 100% of the time, it seems a bit more complicated on this level than when reviewing auditors.

    On a side note, my organization does not do 360 feedback (i.e.,obtaining feedback from direct reports, supervisors, peers, stakeholders), but I voluntarily sent one out and used the feedback to help my own self-reflection when it was time to do my evaluation as well as start the process for planning development goals for next year. One of the comments was that it was unfair of me to hold people to the same standard to which I hold myself - self-evaluations are a good example. My own included, for each goal, highlights/results, challenges, and future steps. My team has given me one sentence explanations on target achievement/miss. And I cannot send back for them for more information, so that avenue of collecting more information is closed.
  2. ncwalker

    ncwalker Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2015
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    North Carolina
    My advice would be: Don't eat your young.

    What I mean is - in a company the statisticians, quality folks, engineers, tend to want the math on the evals to "work." A few get high marks, a few get low marks, with the large portion in the middle. So we want the evals of the employees to look like this. It SHOULD look like this.

    But the folks in purchasing, sales, operations, etc, are going in saying "My folks are the best in the company, we're GREAT!!" and needle pegging every employee they have. And they justify this with a lot of stretched truths and embellishments with buzzwords. They're all about the buzzwords.

    So the finance folks have to divvy up the pile of money to distribute in raises. And they're getting pressure to not give the farm away. So the honest assessment of the folks who want the math to work gives the finance folks an easy out. And your team (right or wrong) will get a smaller pile of the raise pool - you eat your own young.

    What you tell your folks should ABSOLUTELY be the truth. You need them to understand where they need to improve. But they are YOUR peeps now. So you get them as much money as you can. You're in management now, it's time to get distasteful.