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New QA Manager in manufacturing

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Aaron Atkinson, Jul 3, 2018.

  1. Aaron Atkinson

    Aaron Atkinson New Member

    Oct 26, 2017
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    Hello all.

    I am relatively new and was unexpectedly thrust into a QA Manager role a few years ago at a food manufacturing plant. I was forced to learn all the responsibilities of food safety, regulatory and customer quality with no experience.

    I have done pretty well figuring things out, but I need more development. I feel like I do well building teams and having a positive impact on culture. But I'd like to get a better grip on identifying value-adding quality initiatives in the plant.

    What kind of projects are you guys working on or have you identified in your respective plants that are value added?

  2. RoxaneB

    RoxaneB Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 31, 2015
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    Ontario, Canada
    Without knowing what the culture is like where you are and what is already established, it's difficult to answer such a question. My own experience, however, is typically something that establishes the foundation of lean (e.g., 5S) is a good start. Developing a program that involves "low tech, low cost" problem solving from the floor level not only engages employees but also can help add value, drive costs down, increase safety, etc., is also an approach that I'm a firm believer in. In fact, the last organization i worked for, had a formalized approach to this initiative and made a competition out of it at local, national, and international levels.
  3. Neo113016

    Neo113016 Member

    Jul 9, 2018
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    Hi Aaron. I have the same experience with my previous company and to help you out, here are some tips:
    - Be proactive in knowing the external and internal issues of your company as well as the declared interested parties.
    - If you company have not yet identified their context (issues), then you can start there.
    - Create a plan and set goals for food safety, regulatory and customer quality.
    - Regularly engage with all the members of the Top Management with your plans.