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MSA reaction plan if a test fails

Discussion in 'Gage R&R and MSA - Measurement Systems Analysis' started by shankar Jadhav, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. shankar Jadhav

    shankar Jadhav Member

    Sep 5, 2015
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    What is my reaction plan if my GRR and bias,linearity and stability is not as per acceptance criteria.

    what action will taken on components?

    Please any one suggest.

    Also any one knows the selection criteria of instrument for MSA please share.
    for bias which instrument need to select,for linearity which instrument need to select,for stability which instrument need to select and so on
  2. Dave Mahon

    Dave Mahon Member

    Aug 10, 2015
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    Probably you would accept it as a nonconforming condition and contain the parts. An assessment would need to be made concerning what product was checked with that gage. If the typical tolerance range was well within the gage error, it would probably be okay, otherwise a sort might be required.

    In terms of what instrument to use with what study.............I guess the answer would be to check all the gages with all the studies.
  3. Bev D

    Bev D Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    If you 'fail' the MSA, you need to understand what failed and then what caused it to fail and then you would take corrective action and repeat the .
    for example if you fail the Reproducibility portion you would determine which operators were the most different from each other and observe their technique. it is possible that one operator dos it really well and another is not so skilled. In this case you can train the lesser skilled operator to be like the more skilled operator. If you fail repeatability you can again look to see if there any operators that are worse or better than the others or if they all have poor repeatability. In this case again observation of technique is critical. Another contributing factor to repeatability is within part variation. if you are randomly measuring a characteristic without regard to the measurement location it is possible that the lack of repeatability is due to within piece variation. You can determine this by marking the part and always measure the same location in the MSA study. If this is the cause, then the corrective action may be to always measure the part at a set location, correcting the within piece variation, or changing the acceptance criteria to accommodate multiple measurements on the piece (among other options). It will depend on the use of the part...
  4. shankar Jadhav

    shankar Jadhav Member

    Sep 5, 2015
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    We done the MSA for family of gauges.in that case not possible to do the MSA of all instrument. then what is the selection criteria for instrument.