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  1. Mark Liebrand

    Mark Liebrand New Member

    Aug 7, 2018
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    Hello and how are you today?

    I am writing this post because I am seeking guidance as to how to further my career in Quality and add value to my organisation.

    A little background...

    I moved from the USA and stumbled into Quality by accident. However, I do enjoy it and would like to "sharpen the sword" as they say.

    I have recently taken an Internal Auditors course which I have passed and now certified to perform internal audits.

    I have no real formal training in Quality, all I know has been based on experience and learning as I go.

    I have reached a point now where I realize that my lack or knowledge and direction are beginning to hinder my ability to progress in my career and open new challenges and opportunities.

    I was wondering if anyone here would be willing to give me some guidance as to how I can set myself on a better path that will benefit myself and my company?

    My role as of now is, Quality Systems Technician. I maintain and develop our QMS (still currently in training with a college.) I am learning a lot but I would like to find a way to close the gap.

    I write work instructions, procedures, perform internal audits, deal with 3rd party Auditors and investigate internal and external complaint.

    I feel I could offer more, but not sure the best direction to take? What knowledge should I obtain? What should my main focus be?

    Again, I stumbled into this opportunity and I am trying to take the bull by the horns as I understand I am in a very fortunate situation. Most people don't have the luck that I have add and ended up in a profession by accident. Especially with no formal training or experience.

    So, anything anyone can share would be highly appreciated. If you need to ask questions, please do so.

    Thank you in advance, and hopefully this can help other new comers as well?

    Atul Khandekar likes this.
  2. yodon

    yodon Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2015
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    Welcome to the group!

    One thought to help you build your foundation would be through ASQ. Depending on where you want your career to go in Quality, they offer a variety of certifications. For example, if you really like auditing, they offer certification as a Quality Auditor. If you want to build a broader foundation, you can go for Certified Quality Engineer. Of course, certifications are only as good as how you apply the knowledge so asking questions here / other professional groups about application will help you continue to grow and understand.

    As you develop the Quality System, be sure to get the stakeholders involved. If you're "pushing down" process on them, adoption is much less likely.
    Atul Khandekar likes this.
  3. Amit Ballal

    Amit Ballal New Member

    Jun 1, 2018
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    As you said, you are working as a Quality system technician. If you want to gain expertise over QMS implementation, consider courses such as "Certified Lead Implementation professional(CLIP). These courses are being offered by various certification bodies such BSI.

    Another course you might consider for QMS is Lead auditor for ISO9001. This will helpful for you even if you want to work towards implementation or in order to become external auditor in future. And although CLIP courses help in implementation, Lead auditor courses are more recognized being old. CLIP courses just started.

    If you want to work in Quality/ open to Quality & QMS both, Certified Quality Engineer, Certified six sigma green belt courses and certification from ASQ might be good.
  4. tony s

    tony s Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2015
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    Laguna Philippines
    I believe you already know what needs to be done to "further your career in Quality".;)
  5. Andy Nichols

    Andy Nichols Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    In the "Rust Belt"
    Amit - this is interesting to me. Can you provide a link to the CLIP courses? Thanks!
  6. Mark Liebrand

    Mark Liebrand New Member

    Aug 7, 2018
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    Thanks you all for your input on my post. Much appreciated. First off all, I must say that I know I need additional training and experience. That is something that will come with time.

    I am booking a lead auditor course in September and I am also taking a texhnitec certificate for technical textiles.

    I am looking for ideas and ways that I can start being more proactive in my workplace now.

    Just seeking out those with experience that can give me the right direction and resources to study to get my skill and knowledge up.

    I'd like to bring in a QMS system to help with what we do because as of now, we are very manual based and have to update spreadsheets, files, folders, etc...

    I have been trying to bring our department into the digital world moving forward. Less paperwork and less chance of human error.

    I have seen Master Control which looks just like what we need.

    Anyone have any input on things that can help streamline document control, training, audits, etc...?

    Thank you all again for the feedback. Much appreciated.
