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Maybe a stupid question: Does IATF apply to our company?

Discussion in 'IATF 16949:2016 - Automotive Quality Systems' started by Mark H, Jun 22, 2018.

  1. Mark H

    Mark H Member

    Feb 28, 2018
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    Our Registrar is questioning if our company applies to IATF, I have been searching for an answer online, but can't find one.

    They told me in an Email, "With what you do, we have to make sure your scope is applicable to IATF certification. If I just push It through without all of the details and we get an auditor scheduled and sent out to your facility and you don’t meet the requirements of IATF, a lot of time and money will have been wasted and no one will be happy. And, if the auditor audits you and shouldn’t be, the IAOB will come down hard on us for certifying you and we may get a Major nonconformance because of it."

    This has me worried. I sent them the information they requested, and tried to call them for answers, but haven't got a hold of them yet.

    We remanufacture batteries for OEM's to be replaced in cars under warranty.

    We do not manufacture any new parts for new production.

    Does IATF apply to our company?

    Can anyone point me to the requirement?

    in 1.0 ELIGIBILITY FOR CERTIFICATION TO IATF 16949, it talked about it, but it seems very vague, and doesn't give me a clear answer.

    Google is absolutely worthless with all the sponsored content. It's impossible to find anything on there.
  2. Golfman25

    Golfman25 Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2015
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    I guess the first question is why would you want to be IATF? I would avoid it like the plague.

    I suppose it would be how your products are classified. I don't think "aftermarket" parts are IATF eligible. If your parts are considered service parts, then they would be eligible under IATF.
    John C. Abnet likes this.
  3. Mark H

    Mark H Member

    Feb 28, 2018
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    Haha, I don't Want to be IATF certified, or ISO certified for that matter.

    It's required by our customers.

    I think I've got it cleared up. I don't think our new registrar knew that our customers are the OEM's.

    The batteries we remanufacture are given OEM part numbers, and are used as replacements for cars under the factory warranty.

    These batteries are owned by the OEM, and are not available to sell. They are strictly warranty replacements.

    I was a little worried, because I have been building our IATF QMS since February.

    I am finishing our new Quality Manual this week, this will put us on track to have our Stage 1 audit in late September, and Stage 2 in December. Achieving IATF this year would be a great Christmas present.

    Next year is ISO 14001!
  4. Lafir Ali Rinos

    Lafir Ali Rinos Member

    Jul 1, 2018
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    Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    can you tell me that any one of your customer (OEM) deals with On road vehicles and also share your process flow, so that I can understand about your process
    is because of that IATF is applicable to not only the manufacturers of products but also applicable to manufacturing services (Companies that test, manufacture, distribute and provide repair services for the components and assemblies that related to On road vehicle).
    and get a detailed explanation from the auditors that why it may not applicable, then we can justification based on their comments.
  5. Serious Man

    Serious Man Active Member

    Oct 24, 2017
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    IATF Section 1.1
    This Automotive QMS Standard is applicable to sites of the organization where manufacturing of customer-specified production parts, service parts, and/or accessory parts occur.
    IATF Section 3.1
    service part
    replacement part(s) manufactured to OEM specifications that are procured or released by the OEM for service part applications, including remanufactured parts