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Looking for learning material Risk management for CQE

Discussion in 'ISO 31000:2009 - Risk Management' started by KingsIndian, Nov 22, 2015.

  1. KingsIndian

    KingsIndian New Member

    Nov 22, 2015
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    Hi forum members.

    I am not sure if this is the right forum to post this question/request. If this is not the right place please let me know.
    I am appearing for CQE exam in a couple of weeks. I am using the CQE primer for my preparation. Unfortunately, I am missing the chapter on "risk management" which is a new addition to the BOK (my primer is outdated). I am picking up learning material from wikipedia, etc, but not quite convinced that this is adequate.

    Would you please point me to a website where I can get comprehensive information on this subject.
    FYI the newly added chapter to BOK is

    VII. Risk Management (15 Questions) A. Risk Oversight 1. Planning and oversight Understand identification, planning, prioritization, and oversight of risk. (Understand) 2. Metrics Identify and apply evaluation metrics. (Apply) 3. Mitigation planning Apply and interpret risk mitigation plan. (Evaluate) B. Risk Assessment Apply categorization methods and evaluation tools to assess risk. (Analyze) C. Risk Control 1. Identification and documentation Identify and document risks, gaps and controls. (Analyze) 2. Auditing and Testing Apply auditing techniques and testing of controls. (Evaluate)

    Any help will be appreciated.
    Many thanks
  2. pqman

    pqman New Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    As a member of ASQ, you can ask them a question like this, and expect a helpful reply. I believe they have just brought out a new book on risk management, and you can also go online and find the references for the CQE exam in the Certifications that might list risk management titles. Good luck on the exam from a 25 year CQE.