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ISO 9001:2015 for 1 man Ltd company

Discussion in 'ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management Systems' started by Alan Charlton, Feb 7, 2017.

  1. Alan Charlton

    Alan Charlton New Member

    Feb 7, 2017
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    Hello All,
    I am a 1 man limited company and have started on the road to certification to ISO 9001:2015. I am essentially a distributor about to start supplying the automotive industry. I am working my way through Ray Trickers excellent "ISO9001:2015 for Small Businesses" however am struggling a frlittle with how the downloadable templates may be adapted to a one man company. I have no departments and no management or corporate structure as such. Can anyone help with this, specifically from the viewpoint of being a "one man band". Many thanks for any help.
  2. Andy Nichols

    Andy Nichols Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    In the "Rust Belt"
    Alan: Welcome!
    Sorry to burst your balloon right from the get-go, but the fact that you're having trouble with these templates is a classic example of why they don't work very well. I've been doing this stuff for as long as Mr Tricker and I've yet to see such an approach that works - unless getting a certificate is your goal. I'm unfamiliar with the actual content, but I'd suggest that the templates follow a well worn format which puts "style" before substance. In fact, for a one person business, your documentation should, from necessity, be minimal. The main issue you should face is that of doing internal audits (possibly doing the review of the QMS). I'm guessing that you're located in the UK (Blighty) and I'd be happy to put you in touch with an excellent source of practical advice, or you can contact me at any time at anicholsqa@gmail.com and we can set up a call (Skype?) to chat.