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INMETRO Certification from Brazilian Institute of Metrology

Discussion in 'ASQ, IRCA, IATF, Exemplar & Related Organizations' started by Alex Filip, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. Alex Filip

    Alex Filip New Member

    Sep 1, 2015
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    What do you know about Inmetro certification? Our company was requested to get certification from Inmetro - Brazilian Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology. Looking at the standard seems to be based on ISO TS 16949.
  2. QAengineer13

    QAengineer13 Member

    Aug 3, 2015
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    Hi Alex,

    ANVISA has published the Normative Instruction n° 11/2014 which changes a lot the way the registrations work in Brazil. According to this new Normative Instruction, from December/2015 on we have to have INMETRO certification for all products that follow the standard IEC61010-2-101:2002, it means that the manufacturer will no longer be able to commercialize products without certification and the company will be blocked in public tenders. It is a fact that at the end of the year even the registered products will be stopped if the manufacturer doesn't have Conformity Certificate.

    To get the Conformity Certificate, you have to send to INMETRO the test reports issued according to IEC standards applicable for the product and the risk assessment. INMETRO accepts the test reports issued by the manufacturer if it has been issued within 2 years and by an ILAC member.

    NOTE: ANVISA will only accept submission if the test lab is any one of these accredited member

    · IAF - International Accreditation Forum
    · EA - European Accreditation
    · ILAC - International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation
    · Interamerican Accreditation Cooperation – IAAC
    · Bureau International des Poids et Mesures - BIPM

    REF : Mutual Recognition Agreements:

    Hope this helps!
    Atul Khandekar likes this.
  3. Alex Filip

    Alex Filip New Member

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Thank you for all the info, it is very useful.