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Global HR Process objective?

Discussion in 'ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management Systems' started by Englishman Abroad, Oct 4, 2016.

  1. Englishman Abroad

    Englishman Abroad Member

    Mar 29, 2016
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    Hi All,

    I am trying to help my new Global HR Manager create a process map of the global HR function;

    In our organisation we have plant HR, responsible for training of all plant staff, recruitment of operators, motivation in plant, etc. Then country level HR responsible for recruitment of technician and engineers and motivation throughout the country.

    The Global HR manager is working on a Talent Management system, and a Performance management system, but I would like your ideas as to what else should be considered as the Global HR process objectives?

    Does anyone have a similar HR function - What are the process objectives?


    (Why does the quality guy/girl always have to be the world expert in everything?).
  2. Eric Twiname

    Eric Twiname Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2015
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    Northeast USA
    ...An expert is someone who knows enough about what is really going on to be scared...<paraphrased PJ Plauger>
  3. RoxaneB

    RoxaneB Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 31, 2015
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    Ontario, Canada
    Where I am, Talent Management is really (just) responsible for the hiring (and firing) of people.

    Performance Management is typically seen as the appraisal process and disciplinary stuff...I'd suggest reworking it to Performance Development and Management (if you need that last word). Development includes things such as learning and succession planning.

    We also have Learning Solutions - our in-house experts for our education reimbursement, e-module development, and adult learning theory experts.
  4. Paul Simpson

    Paul Simpson Member

    Aug 6, 2015
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    Interesting question 'Englishman Abroad' :)

    The objectives normally become obvious when you start asking the question ' What are you trying to achieve?' or 'Why are we spending time and effort on this activity?'

    So typically for Talent management it is about retaining people identified within the business as having potential to be Managers / C suite in the future and there may be a series of objectives along the way for identifying the talent pool, agreeing that pool with the business, identifying a development path for each individual included, delivering against that development plan and, ultimately that the talent pool is retained.

    Performance management is a little less easy to identify meaningful objectives for as it is a support HR process and tends to be more routine (if not generally disparaged! :(). But, if done well, it supports talent management and results in engaged employees staying with the business.

    You could be brave and suggest measures of employee satisfaction for each! ;)