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Coffee Break and Community Discussion Forum-Guidelines

Discussion in 'Coffee Break and Community Discussion Forum' started by BradM, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. BradM

    BradM Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 31, 2015
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    Arlington, TX
    The primary focus of this site is and always has been quality and business-related issues. However, this forum is where members may enjoy interacting socially with each other. Please remember that this forum is provided as a courtesy. So please respect the site, its administration and the guidelines put forward.


    · The primary purpose of this forum is intended for more light-hearted socializing. While the moderators are a bit reserved at the moment regarding controversial topics, currently they are being allowed, provided the subjects, participants, and discussion adhere to these guidelines.

    · The controversial topics threads are for more serious subject matter; but that should not be interpreted as "anything goes". It is merely meant to emphasize that the topics are controversial in nature and therefore not for everybody.

    · Forums are loosely based on the "PG-13" rating for movies, and follow business-appropriate behavior. Profanity should be avoided, as well as any other inappropriate conduct. As titles appear in Google searches linked to the site, all titles must be in good taste, and is subject to edit by moderators.

    · One of the most common causes of conflict is simply the failure to understand and respect differences; so please keep this in mind when posting. Should you find a post objectionable or offensive, do NOT address the poster in question on the boards. Please use the report button to notify the Moderators of the situation and they will take any action that's deemed necessary.

    · It is illegal to post copyrighted articles in their entirety. You may quote a small section of an article (1-2 paragraphs maximum), as long as you also provide a link to the source. Please assure excerpts from articles quoted and linked to be wrapped in quote tags to minimize confusion.

    · Moderators are not obligated to explain or justify any actions or decisions imposed; although they do generally post the reason for any such action in the thread in question as a courtesy and to avoid any confusion.

    · If you don't agree with the action taken (or not taken) after reporting an incident then contact a Moderator privately for further discussion. If the matter in question involves a Moderator then contact another Moderator. Following that, should you require further clarification then contact one of the site Administrators, whose decision is final.

    Under no circumstances shall any action or decision made by the Moderators be discussed, argued or criticized on the open forum. Any such posts or threads will be removed without notice or explanation. Any disparaging or disrespectful remarks regarding this site and/or its Moderators, Administrators, rules and/or actions taken will not be tolerated.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2016