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Calculation of energy use and waste

Discussion in 'ISO 14001:2004 - Environmental Management Systems' started by Glenn0004, Jan 7, 2016.

  1. Glenn0004

    Glenn0004 Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    Hi All

    In the past our business has been maintained across the UK from 33 regional branch offices that were leased, rented or owned however we are now moving to operating from serviced office locations with hot desks. Previously we would have had access to gas, electricity and waste data as we were directly responsible for the services.

    As we are now moving to serviced offices, we no longer have access to gas, electricity and waste data in the same way.

    I still need to recognise the appropriate usage of gas and electricity and the generation of waste for these new office locations. Other than asking the office management company for a pro-rata split of the resources used and waste generated, can anyone suggest an acceptable methodology for recognising these impacts. i.e. per sq meter or per work station based on a sample of data from our offices were we do have data available.

    Many thanks
  2. JohnD

    JohnD New Member

    May 12, 2019
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    I think you answered your own question, if I was in your shoes as you suggested I would use your previous data and work out an average. Ie For electricity take a sample of your regional offices, get the total sq meters (or workstations) then divide it by your total energy consumption. There might be some papers on average office consumption but to be honest if you already have the data this would be quicker.
  3. JohnD

    JohnD New Member

    May 12, 2019
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    Further to above, got it the wrong way around, it would be total energy consumption/ total sqmetres (or workstations) eg 236 kwh/m2/year