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BIG acceptance criteria issues with big customer (transfer occurring)

Discussion in 'Manufacturing and Related Processes' started by Ricardo Rodriguez M, Nov 16, 2018.

  1. Ricardo Rodriguez M

    Ricardo Rodriguez M New Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    I will try to make this history as short as possible

    One of our customer is transferring dozens of part numbers from its former vendor to us in a very short period of time.

    The former supplier is closing doors in a month, so the lack of available information is a huge factor for us to run properly (APQP) (no specs, incomplete drawings, boms, etc)...business direction: RUN.

    It turns out that the former supplier ran the electronic products for our customer for 20 years with different process than ours (Non-RoHS vs RoHS). For all those related with electronics you know that
    these processes are different (temperatures, solder appearance, washing , cleanliness requirements, etc)....INSPECTION!!

    We have explained hundred of times with evidence that our electronic products are acceptable according the industry standard. However, the customer relies on ONE SINGLE inspector that is used to seeing same product (NonROHS) for 20 years and now she is receiving a ROHS COMPLAINT product totally different (If she likes what she sees, she accepts, if she doesnt she rejects)


    1) We have "failed" 5/5 First Articles
    2) We invited the customer to review and understand the process
    3) Customer Happy with our capabilities, people and systems (we are worldwide known company)
    4) Good "Audit" result (email)
    5) Escalation cooled down
    6) EVERYONE HAPPY (except someone :( )
    7) BUT... in terms of the FAIs he won't accept to discuss the FA since he is not the decision maker on this (98% of the customer business (the branch of this company) is stamping, assembly, paint) 2% is electronics
    8) In order to maintain customer expectations, my company is doing (direction) extra activities to avoid rejections again (this is mostly INSPECTION, REWORK, instead of process changes Whatsoever (not necessary since all is acceptable, we are just cleaning and doing touch ups)

    I'm very concerned about after the First Articles are approved since the current containment controls
    are unlikely to be maintained and has not been informed by our top management

    Please, if someone has gone through an experience like this.......and any suggestion

    P.S: we cannot bring inspector so we can work together
    we already perform a customer visit and did not go well
    we cannot get rid of this customer (is a branch of a BIG CUSTOMER we currently have)

    need guidance
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2018
  2. Golfman25

    Golfman25 Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2015
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    Are you meeting all known specifications? Why are you "failing" the FAI?

    Theses situations are always problematic. More so if you have an uncooperative party. But guess what. Your customer has no options. So don't be afraid to hold your ground and tell them like it is. Find some supporters and work thru them. Eventually they'll come around. Good luck.
  3. Ricardo Rodriguez M

    Ricardo Rodriguez M New Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    thanks Golfman25, the answer is YES, we are meeting ALL known specifications,
    thank you