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Average values in lean?

Discussion in 'Lean, Six Sigma and DFSS' started by Qualmx, Jan 8, 2019.

  1. Qualmx

    Qualmx Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Hello everybody

    Im starting to do some VSM analysis and have some questions, could you help me?

    For example, I decided, to analyze 2 specific products= A and B

    This products are produced twice a month.

    I will try to capture data of the work orders belonging to A and B
    I also will consider the amount of raw materials coming from supplier within the month.

    In order to do a good evaluation, should I have to run several analysis?
    I mean to try a least 4 or 10 work orders of each, in order to have more data to analyze? and at the end to have an average of all values
    of the total wok orders?
    Once I have the average values I may start to draw my initial VSM?
    in the average will be considered, cycle times, changover, # of workers, waiting times,etc.
    Please give some feedback.
