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Adding A Site to an existing Certificate

Discussion in 'ISO 9001:2008 - Quality Management Systems' started by PaulK, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. PaulK

    PaulK Member

    Sep 11, 2015
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    Has anyone added a site to an existing certificate with no change in Scope? If so, how did your Registrar audit the new site?
  2. Andy Nichols

    Andy Nichols Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    In the "Rust Belt"
    Typically, you will have to provide your CB with headcount, if it's a shared system location etc. They will probably quote you and prepare a proposal. They should look at the duration of the audit the new site headcount, added to your current headcount to see how much increase there would be in audit duration. This will be added to the next visit (surveillance/re-assessment) and the auditor will use some of the time at HQ to see if you've integrated the new site into your audits, management review reporting etc.

    But, don't take my word for it. Others don't have your CB, so contact them and ask them. It's supposed to be them offering you a (good/excellent) service, so use it. If they don't, find another who WILL!
    Jennifer Kirley likes this.
  3. PaulK

    PaulK Member

    Sep 11, 2015
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    Thanks Andy. If you look at 17021 9.5.1 would you come away with the thought that a Stage 1 would be performed on the site?
  4. Andy Nichols

    Andy Nichols Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    Let me check on that. I think it depends how big the addition is. Clearly, if a significant acquisition has happened (another business, for example), then that might be preferred.
  5. aurora

    aurora Member

    Aug 31, 2015
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    I have recently added another 2 locations to our original 9001 certificate. We were able to skip the stage 1 and go straight to stage 2 audits with a half day at the first and a full day for the 2nd location. We have had the same auditor for many years so he's familiar with the qms at our main site so it was more to check that we were following the same procedures/processes at the other two.
    Sandra T likes this.
  6. PaulK

    PaulK Member

    Sep 11, 2015
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    That's what I would expect to happen as well. The site operates similarly to my 5 other sites (with HQ handling all the administrative functions). So, the 2 sites you added had no impact to your established Scope statement, correct? The Registrar Lead Auditor audits HQ and 1 site so he would be the most knowledgeable of respective functions. I'm not sure he would/could have any say in doing away with the Stage 1 audit. And I'm not sure I want to ask him!!

    Sandra T likes this.
  7. aurora

    aurora Member

    Aug 31, 2015
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    Correct, our scope was not changed at all, our other 2 sites were treated as an extension to the first. I don't know if it makes any difference but we are a service company so there's no product to speak of but we provide the same service via 3 locations. The additional 2 sites had been up and running for a year so we had all the records required for the stage 2.

    The purpose of Stage 1 (as far as I'm aware) is to review the status of your company and understanding regarding requirements to the standard in order to establish the scope and to evaluate and review your documents ie policies, procedures etc. If am understanding correctly these are controlled at HQ so therefore have already been reviewed in order to get certification for that site? Stage 2 is to then assess the records, internal audits, management review etc. If you're site is up and running to the same procedures as HQ, audits and mr are complete there should be no reason you cant jump straight to stage 2.

    I'm still relatively new at this so there may be someone more knowledgeable that will correct that...

    I would definitely ask the question anyway, after discussing it with our auditor and getting a quote it was their decision that we didn't require the stage 1 (waste of their time and our money)

    Hope that helps... :)
  8. Sandra T

    Sandra T Member

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Shropshire, England
    We have 5 sites and the same scope for all.

    I work at the HQ where we have 4 days a year with the other sites having 1 per year per site. We have been certified to 9001 for 20 years and as we have acquired the other sites, we have 'bolted' them onto our certification.

    In addition to the production processes, the CB reviews internal audits, system review, corrective actions, risks, top management leadership at the HQ and just the smaller production environments at the other sites.
    Although, they do confirm with the site managers that they are in the loop with regard to internal audits, results of system reviews etc, etc.............

    Anyway - that's how we do it! ;)