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17025 Accreditation?

Discussion in 'ISO 17025 - Calibration and Test Laboratories' started by Garry Smith, Mar 15, 2018.

  1. Garry Smith

    Garry Smith New Member

    Mar 15, 2017
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    We have a small calibration room for our Deadweight tester, which is use to calibrate gauges that are used on our aircraft ground support equipment. The DWT is regularly serviced and calibrated to UKAS standards and is included in our QMS (ISO 9001:2015). However some of our customers are now stating we should be ISO 17025 accredited as well. I note 17025 is being reviewed to bring it inline with the Annex SL structure, is there any time scale for its introduction. I would rather try to expand our existing 9001:2015 QMS to include the 17025 technical laboratory requirements rather than having to write a another complete QMS for a Laboratory to the old style?
    Many thanks for any advise you can offer.
  2. steve gill

    steve gill Member

    Mar 16, 2017
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    Hi Garry, see below.
    ISO17025 has been released and is now at 2017 status
    It might take you a year and many thousands of pounds / dollars to do so.
    The company I work for has one QMS and our lab being 17025 is one part of it.
    FYI a qual manual is NOT mandatory in the new 17025 release
    hope it helps?
    Garry Smith likes this.
  3. Garry Smith

    Garry Smith New Member

    Mar 15, 2017
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    Hi Steve,
    That's good news I didn't realise the new version of 17025 had been released. I was hoping it was soon so I could develop the QMS for the lab along the same lines as our 9001:2015 QMS.
    Although a quality manual is not strictly mandatory we have a paired down version we use for all our 9001:2015 documentation which I find easy to manage being all in one location.
    I was in contact with UKAS last year about 17025 and was quoted around £1250 for a pre-audit survey (gap analysis) and the same again for the actual audit plus an additional £500 for certification plus
    I was told the annual re-certification audit would be in 6 months rather than the 12 months for 9001.
    I believe we operate to within 97% of the 17025 standards and have done so for some time, so I hope with a few tweaks we should be ok, I just need to make sure we have the correct documentation and I
    can prove we do operate to the standards.
    Many thanks for your reply and comments they have been very helpful.