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Passing on old instruments

Discussion in 'ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental Management Systems' started by Anna Wagstaffe, Jul 10, 2018.

  1. Anna Wagstaffe

    Anna Wagstaffe Member

    May 25, 2017
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    Since, frustratingly, it is cheaper to replace some pressure gauges than it is to re-calibrate them when they are out of certification, we are looking at passing these on to a local apprenticeship scheme where the apprentices could learn with them.

    Is there anything, documentationwise I should consider to ensure there is no-comeback on the company in the event of an issue.

    As far as I know,l the gauges are absolutely fine but they just need re-calibrating for us to continue using them.

  2. hogheavenfarm

    hogheavenfarm Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    I would just record the serial numbers, or your assigned unique identification numbers, and list the date it was placed "out of service". As long as it is not found in your shop any longer I see no issues. I would sticker them "not calibrated" as well, just for my own piece of mind, and remove any calibration tags that may be on them.
    Unfortunately it is often cheaper to buy new on many items, rather than having them recalibrated. We do this with gauge blocks, electrical testers, pressure gauges, and even some micrometers.
    Anna Wagstaffe and John C. Abnet like this.
  3. Anna Wagstaffe

    Anna Wagstaffe Member

    May 25, 2017
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    I do this on my calibration schedule. I was really asking about the despatch note to the apprenticeship company to cover ourselves in case of injury from misuse etc, or there is some damage to them which is not obvious from a visual check.