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Clause 4.4: ISO9001:2015 Performance Indicators

Discussion in 'ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management Systems' started by Lonewalker, Dec 20, 2016.

  1. Lonewalker

    Lonewalker Member

    Aug 24, 2016
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    Working through the new standard and implementing a system from scratch, we have been going through the various processes required, and have core processes (product provision, including sales enquiry, order processing, etc.) and support/management processes (calibration, internal audit, management review, etc.)

    What quantity of performance indicators (ref. clause 4.4.) have you got, and do you have indicators for example, for the calibration process, for the internal audit process, or a set for your management processes and support processes and your core operational processes (i.e. not broken down into an indicator for enquiry, and indicator for order processing)? Ideally, we are trying to keep the quantity of KPIs to the minimum useful, but the standard mentions setting objectives at relevant levels, and then naturally you would want to know how you have performed against that objective.

    Any thoughts or comments would be most welcome as we seem to be accumulating a large number of performance indicators which would need an awful lot of effort to complete and monitor? Thanks.
  2. Andy Nichols

    Andy Nichols Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    In the "Rust Belt"
    I wouldn't bother with trying to put performance indicators on internal audits - they are, after all, in the performance evaluation section of the standard. For many other support processes, however, they can be key to influencing the core processes. Maintenance of equipment - and calibration - fit this category. Being behind to the schedule for recall of equipment is undesirable since the recall is supposed to catch the items of measuring equipment BEFORE they are suspected of adversely affecting products/processes. Stuff like IA, document controls etc are waaay lower on the stack and you've likely got bigger fish to fry.
  3. PSRiordan

    PSRiordan Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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    When I think about performance indicators I like to ask the process owner, how does he/she know the process is operating as desired? On your car's dashboard, it's the speedometer, perhaps MPG, and of course in most cars these days there are multiple things that are continuously monitored in the background and we're only alerted if there's a problem. What does the process owner monitor? He/she should have an answer!

    I'm in agreement with Andy that not all processes will warrant KPIs. In very small companies, the objectives may even be enough. A small machine shop may look at OTD and returns measured against something else (sales $, % of orders/items produced) and that may be it.

    I did find an interesting article that had a list of possible KPIs that could be considered. Just food for thought.
    Andy Nichols likes this.