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Expection and implementation of ISO/TS16949

Discussion in 'IATF 16949:2016 - Automotive Quality Systems' started by Venkatesh, Sep 19, 2016.

  1. Venkatesh

    Venkatesh Member

    Jul 20, 2016
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    I need inputs for presentation on
    1. What to expect during internal audit if ISO/TS 16949
    2 how to implement the system in the organisation
  2. tony s

    tony s Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2015
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    Laguna Philippines
    • auditors will employ the "process approach" on auditing (e.g. use of turtle or octopus model);
    • 3 types of audits must be conducted i.e. QMS audit, manufacturing process audit, product audit;
    • the audit schedule must be on an annual basis;
    • auditors must be trained and evaluated as per the customer's specific requirement (example: Ford requires that auditors are trained and evaluated on TS requirements, automotive core tools e.g. APQP, SPC, MSA, FMEA, PPAP, applicable customer specific requirements, automotive process approach to auditing)
    • auditor training must include case study or role play simulations, and/or on-site practice audit.
    You may need to be more specific since there are a lot of requirements in ISO/TS 16949 that you need to satisfy. The count of ISO 9001 boxed "shalls" alone totals to "136" PLUS "153 shalls" sector specific requirements (those that are outside the boxed requirements) PLUS customer specific requirements.
  3. Venkatesh

    Venkatesh Member

    Jul 20, 2016
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    Thanks t
    ThĂ nks Tony I appreciate your valuable input
  4. dibdab

    dibdab Member

    Oct 6, 2016
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    It is 15 years since I last saw a QMS Standard, however I went through the regimes of Standard BS 5750 Part 2, which was the forerunner of ISO 9000 and a period of individual customer requirements, before the latter got together to produce National automotive standards and finally TS16949.

    I'm assuming you are familiar with the current ISO 9001; this is your starting point.

    Create an excel spreadsheet with column 1 headed iso9001; column 2 is TS; Column 3 is current requirements; column 4 is additional needs.
    Go through the first standard sub clause by sub clause, entering the clause No in column 1 and the requirement in 3. Use column 4 for changes to take place in the new standard
    Do the same for TS in column 2 etc

    When that is done, colour code each item to indicate which business departments are likely to be affected.
    Ideally print off on A3 paper, 3 and 4 need to be quite wide.

    This the starting point for discussion with you management.

    Don't be afraid to talk to your customers if you need help
    With regard to Customer Control Plans, I determined which were the best features from each of them, created my own amalgam, and presented them for approval. I never had a non acceptance.

    Best of luck
  5. tony s

    tony s Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2015
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    Laguna Philippines
    During our preparation to TS we used an excel spreadsheet to note our existing practices against the requirements of TS. This spreadsheet help us in keeping track of our progress in fulfilling all the requirements of TS. Columns include TS Clauses, Evidence that auditors may look into, Responsible, Current Practice, Recommendation, and Status. The spreadsheet also computes the overall percentage of compliance against the TS requirements.

    Just want to share it with you for your reference.

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  6. Andy Nichols

    Andy Nichols Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    In the "Rust Belt"
    If we are talking strictly about an internal audit, then the answers are various and many. It's going to depend on what the scope and criteria are for each audit. As Tony states, it could be a process audit (but that's NOT a strict requirement, just a preferred approach, since no-one has actually ever defined it). Typically, a competent internal auditor will take your organization's own documented process(es) and audit those - not necessarily using ISO/TS 16949. But, in saying that, we are assuming that you employ/have competent TS qualified internal auditor(s)