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signatures on training docs.?

Discussion in 'ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management Systems' started by Patts, Jun 20, 2020.

  1. Patts

    Patts Member

    Aug 4, 2015
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    I've seen posts about electronic records for quality checks, but not sure if those related to training docs.? I am wondering how others document remote training (for ex., on work instructions)? We are ISO 9001 registered and now have numerous associates working at home. Our current internal Training SOP calls for signatures, and we scan and retain these records. For “virtual” training through Webex Meetings, I don’t expect that (and don’t see that is an ISO requirement) and plan to edit our SOP to say something like: “For in-person training, signatures are preferred. However, training held virtually may be documented with names and the trainer’s assurance of attendance and material covered.” In other words, no one signing anything. Thoughts or best practices from others?
  2. Andy Nichols

    Andy Nichols Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    In the "Rust Belt"
    Patts, I've never been a big one on signatures. After all, what do they mean? If I sign a piece of paper to say I went to drivers ed, does that mean anything? If I drive for a year, have zero collisions, don't spin out on the ice, don't annoy anyone etc etc, doesn't that mean more?

    If you want proof someone was logged in and at the on-line session, most meeting platforms have an "attendees" list in a window. Take a screen shot. Doesn't mean they got any of the training though. You'll have to check that through demonstrating competency.
    Patts likes this.
  3. Mike S.

    Mike S. Member

    Apr 20, 2020
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    Hi Patts,

    I've conducted some virtual training of late. I've asked virtual attendees to send me an email stating which sessions they attended and that's it.

    In the past I always had people sign a training log for in-person training, but I've become more like Andy and asked what value I got from keeping those logs and the answer was not much. I've started just sending the training invites by email and then, afterward, just entering the data in our training software. Unless a competency test is required, I'm not keeping other records, signature logs, etc.
    Patts likes this.
  4. Patts

    Patts Member

    Aug 4, 2015
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    Thank you, both, Andy and Mike S. This validates my planned practice and is much appreciated!
    Andy Nichols likes this.