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Quality Management Exercise

Discussion in 'ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management Systems' started by bykatharina, May 2, 2018.

  1. bykatharina

    bykatharina New Member

    May 2, 2018
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    Can somebody please help me with these exercises? I have no idea what to do.. We just learned the PDCA "system" - so , plan - do -check - act
    But I Have no idea how I could exert it on these exercises..
    We did nothing than the PDCA thing and the ISO 9001:2015.
    I googled a lot but I can't find something really helpful..

    Can somebody please help meee?

    Here are the exercises:

    A construction company operates from Madeira, which has its offices, sending tools and material for the works that have in the Azores or in more distant countries such as Algeria and Angola.
    Execution in work always happens delocalized, that is, the company has 80% of continually displaced workers in the countries where it is in work.
    During the audit it was confirmed that the company has, in fact, a performance with high quality but were also obtained two findings: one related to the downgrading of a shunter certificate and one that was related to the downgrading of a vaccination inspection plan.
    Analyze the text from the point of view of management, evaluate the non-conformities and propose solutions.


    A company manufactures chemical products, including adhesives and liquid gaskets for sealing. Within the product adhesives, solvent based adhesives manufactured in bulk and aqueous-based adhesives for specific market applications.
    The company's main markets are the footwear industry and the construction sector and in the area of the base building or in the area of rehabilitation of buildings. The liquid rubbers are mainly for canning to make the seal by closing the canned packaging.
    The company manages currently a Quality Management System, an Environmental Management System and a Management System for Safety and Health at Work, integrated and certified
    The company's products are perishable and therefore they are assigned expiration dates. The raw materials used are essentially natural rubber and synthetic resins, solvents and some additives and fillers. The overwhelming majority of these raw materials is subject to expiration dates and therefore are also perishable products
    The manufacturing process of the company is in the emulsion of the set of raw materials in formulations that the company itself designed and developed and, in essence, the reaction that occurs is not a chemical reaction interconnection molecules but an emulsion reaction, or that is, the resulting product molecules are raw materials in a suspension in the other thus generating the final product.
    The company also makes the marketing of some products you buy already prepared, such as a specific glue for bonding floating floors, which receives already ready in large packs, bulk, typically packs of 1 m3 and then proceed to packaging filling smaller, different amounts, and places on the market with its own brand.
    During a visit in audit, in addition to the normal aspects of the company, it was found that the company has an emergency system with elements of fighting, including several containers scattered strategic points of the company, with dry sand and shovels metal, whose purpose is the containment of spills and collecting contaminated sand. It was also found that the company makes storage of finished products, packing in containers with capacities ranging from 0.25L (cans) up to 50L (barrels that have a mass in the 70 kg / barrel).
    These products are stored on shelves bought at sales shelves professionals in varying amounts, for example were seen 9 barrels per pallet, two pallets per shelf, 4 shelves on shelves in these conditions
    In the case of this company, it was found that, with regard to compliance with Decree-Law No. 147/2008, regarding the environmental liability insurance, made the decision to provide a bank guarantee of € 5,000 for the environmental hedging effect.
    Analyze the text from the point of view of management, evaluate the non-conformities and propose solutions.
  2. Andy Nichols

    Andy Nichols Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    In the "Rust Belt"
    Are these examination questions from a training course?
  3. Leonid

    Leonid Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2016
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    Ex.1. Railways (a part of infrastructure) is not duly maintained due to downgrading of a shunter certificate (ISO 9001 cl.7.1.3). By downgrading a vaccination inspection plan top management does not ensure that the resources needed for the QMS are available (ISO 9001 cl. 5.1.1e).

    Ex.2. Compliance obligations are not fulfilled as regards providing too low bank guarantee (€ 5,000) to cover environmental liability per Decree-Law No. 147/2008 (ISO 14001 cl. 5.2 d).
  4. Andy Nichols

    Andy Nichols Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    In the "Rust Belt"
    As a forum moderator of some experience, it's been an important lesson that when people post such questions - without a clear context for their posting - that those providing a response run into significant risks:
    a) of helping someone gain a professional qualification for which they clearly don't have a full grasp of the topic (not yet competent)
    b) providing wrong answers
    c) providing incomplete answers

    I'd offer that posters DON'T give a response until more is know about the OP's reasons for asking... Ask yourself, do you want to be accountable for adversely impacting someone's career?
    Neo113016, QC Dave, Candi1024 and 2 others like this.