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Setting up measurable quality objectives

Discussion in 'ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management Systems' started by Nalin Galappaththi, May 8, 2017.

  1. Nalin Galappaththi

    Nalin Galappaththi Member

    May 8, 2017
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    Sri Lanka

    I'm in the process of identifying quality objectives with regards to the Security Management System (SMS) of an Organisation to meet the ISO 9001;2015 certifications. SMS has identified two operational objectives as follows;
    1. To secure People, Products, Premises, Process & Information of the organisation.
    2. To be compliant to minimum security requirements of C-TPAT at all times.

    Both operational objectives are achieved through the contribution of number of processes and controls at operational level.

    For an instance, today every 5th incoming vehicle will be checked at the entrance and this process being verified through the CCTV on randomly selected time samples as a process control. Operational objectives of the process has given as a target to achieve (95%) and the outcome is communicated to relevant authorities periodically (Daily, Weekly and end of the month). The outcome of this process contributes to evaluate outsourced security performance monthly.

    This random vehicle search is one of the processes in Access Management, and the Access Management is a part of the Premises Security and the Premises Security is a major part of Overall Security of the organisation.
    Achievement of random vehicle search will be a contribution to maintain the quality of security services at the facility.

    So, likewise there are number of processes with measurable controls at process levels but overall security cannot be measured without measuring the process level outcome.

    What is the best way to select measurable quality objectives?

    Can I select above mentioned 2 operational objectives as quality objectives?

    Appreciate your inputs,

  2. BradM

    BradM Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 31, 2015
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    Hello Nalin! Welcome to the forum!

    Please help me understand your situation here.

    You are implementing a quality system for a security management system. What exactly is your objective?
    To conduct a check of every fifth vehicle?
    To conduct a check with so many inspection points (I could inspect a vehicle in 2 1/2 seconds or take an hour... ).
    In general... you're concerned about... something (we can leave that generic...), is the objective to have positive findings of the something?

    Stated differently...
    If "X" occurs, then management (and/or customers) would conclude the quality system was a waste of time and money; and didn't even achieve the basic goals it was implemented for?

    Let's return to the every fifth vehicle...
    Suppose I put an electric counter on the entrance (or is this for exit?) and count the number of cars. Then could the staff then take a picture or something of each vehicle to demonstrate they performed a search? So daily you would know how many vehicles went through; how many inspections are claimed to occur; and then the CCTV could support that measurement. Is this along your line of thinking?
  3. Nalin Galappaththi

    Nalin Galappaththi Member

    May 8, 2017
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    Hi, I'm sorry for not communicating my concerns clearly,

    Let me explain the situation once again,

    My organisation is in to Logistic & Supply Chain Solutions and my department is responsible for the Compliance & Supply Chain Security.

    Organisation has achieved ISO 9001;2008 QMS and getting ready for the migration in to 2015 version this year. However, compliance & security department is facing the certification for the first time as a new department.

    Departmental operational objectives are clear and same I have noted in my previous mail.

    We have applied process base approach for all the security practices on the ground. Written Policy, Process and practices are documented covering all areas.

    Risk base thinking is also not a new thing to my department because security employments are based on the risks. Again we maintain a living document, called, "Security Risk Index" (SRI) maintaining list of risks (categorized in to 8 classes as per ISO 28000), their existing risk rates and risk reductions respectively.

    There are number of security processes, (more than 100) and what I have mentioned about every (5th) vehicle checking (random sample rate of the day) at the entrance is one of them. I have noted that particular process as an example. Its' a existing process and physical security practice implemented the same base on risks and again to meet compliance requirements. It takes less than 2 min, randomly selected vehicles are subjected for checking in order to maintain "Deterrence". Incoming pedestrians are randomly selected for body frisks. It is another process. All incoming staff are positively identified at the entrance. It is another process. Like wise there are number of processes contribute to achieve operational expectations. In this case, all those sub processes are part of the Access Management, can consider as a main process. Access Management is again a major part of the Facility Security. Facility Security is a core function of the Overall security of the organisation.

    So, I have processes with measurable controls. Those measurable controls are directly influencing the process outcome and to assess its suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. So, there is no doubt that measurable controls are influencing the Quality of the services too. It fulfills the customer satisfaction as well. We assure that no unauthorized personnel, products or vehicles access to security controlled areas at all times. It is a customer expectation. So we have focused the customer.

    Now my issue is;

    I'm not clear how to select the quality objectives for the Compliance & Security quality manual.

    As per the standard's (6.2), they must be measurable. (SMART).

    If I select my operational objectives as my departmental quality objectives, they cannot be measured directly, because, the overall outcome depends on the outcome of many number of sub processes.

    If I select processes's measurable outcome as my quality objectives (Example - 20% of incoming vehicles are checked at the entrances), there will be too many number of Quality objectives. I think it is not possible.

    How to select the measurable quality objectives?

    Do hope my issue is clear.

    Once again, my apologies for not communicating the issue with adequate clarity.

    Best regards,

  4. Nalin Galappaththi

    Nalin Galappaththi Member

    May 8, 2017
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    I have uploaded a PDF document to explain the overall outcome's dependency on sub processes.

    Attached File(s): 1. Scan for viruses before using. 2. Report any 'bad' files by reporting this post. 3. Use at your own Risk.:

  5. tony s

    tony s Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2015
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    There is no requirement to have quality objectives for the quality manual. Even the quality manual is no longer a requirement but organizations may opt to maintain if they find value of having one.
    IMHO this is what the intention of the standard when it specify "The organization shall establish quality objectives at relevant functions, levels and processes needed for the quality management system".
  6. The PPAP Assassin

    The PPAP Assassin Active Member

    Mar 20, 2017
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    Clause 6.2 of 2015 is "Quality Objectives and Planning to achieve them".
    This was fulfilled in 2008 where objectives must be:
    1.) Consistent with the quality policy, and measurables
    2.) Consider requirements
    3.) Relevant to product and enhancement of customer satisfaction
    4.) Monitored
    5.) Communicated
    6.) Updated as Needed

    These are the NEW additional requirements for 2015:
    (Planning for how to achieve quality objectives) keyword - "planning"
    1.) What to do
    2.) Resources
    3.) Responsibility
    4.) When completed
    5.) How results will be evaluated

    In a nut shell, this is pretty much Goals and Metrics or "KPI (key process indicator)" tracking enhanced. If you have measurable objectives you discuss in management reviews, like most companies do, then you can use them as a tool to adhere to these new requirements, from how I take it. Keep in mind, only objectives relating to quality are required for this clause. Sales objectives and things like on time delivery objectives are fine to keep, but try to create objectives related to your quality policy and customer satisfaction if you have not already.

    This article explains it a lot better: https://advisera.com/9001academy/knowledgebase/how-to-write-good-quality-objectives/
  7. The PPAP Assassin

    The PPAP Assassin Active Member

    Mar 20, 2017
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    Regarding that last part, "In a nut shell" (I can not figure out how to edit comments here..)
    -Disregard the part about goals and metrics/ kpi's. You'll need to establish one objective for the QMS say for instance maintaining annual ISO certification.. The other objectives can be relating to processes and general quality requirements. (For instance, the amount of non-conformances. The objective being >5%.) Get with your team and come up with some good ones that can be measured, maintained and communicated. Make a spreadsheet to track the data periodically. Correct me if I am wrong, please! This is how I am going about doing it with my company.
  8. normzone

    normzone Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2015
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    I think you're on target, [PPAP Assassin] - and my counsel is don't make it any more complex than it needs to be.

    The world will come along and make it more complex for you, so you don't need to worry about that.

    NOTE: When I'm logged in, just to the right of my avatar, there is an edit button. I think it may be time sensitive.
    The PPAP Assassin likes this.
  9. BradM

    BradM Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 31, 2015
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    Yes, you're correct. The user can edit their own post for a specified period of time (like 30 minutes or an hour; Atul would know). The reason being... people would post an original post, where multiple responses would ensue. Then, they would go in and completely change everything in the first post; making it very difficult to keep continuity and stuff.

    If the edit button does not appear below the post you're wanting to edit, contact a moderator (the Report button is a good way) and we can make the requested edits.
    Atul Khandekar likes this.
  10. BradM

    BradM Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 31, 2015
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    I understand your position.

    Can you approach this from the Voice of Customer? Saying... how would the customer perceive quality?

    Take for instance... the most recent United Airlines incident where the individual was forcibly removed from the seat. As far as I can understand, all the "rules" were followed. However, would the customer(s) perceive that as a quality outcome?

    Or taken another way... when I speak to people who fly a lot, the TSA (at American airports) security methods are highly inconsistent. How would people rate their quality?

    So you have your sub-processes with measures (as listed on the attachment you provided), can you assess how to achieve each of those?

    Do you think this is a direction you might could go?
  11. Andy Nichols

    Andy Nichols Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    Depends on their objective(s) - consistency is NOT desirable in security. What is desirable is stopping suspected "stuff" getting onto a plane...
    Nalin Galappaththi likes this.
  12. BradM

    BradM Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 31, 2015
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    There is being actually secure, and having a perception of being secure. You want both with airlines.

    My point of part of the objectives may not just be "what" you do; but "how" it is accomplished.
  13. Atul Khandekar

    Atul Khandekar Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    Yes. Time limit on editing/deleting own posts is currently set at 30 minutes.
  14. Nalin Galappaththi

    Nalin Galappaththi Member

    May 8, 2017
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    Hi, Thanks for your valuable inputs and the link you provided has explained it better with an example. Thanks again.
    The PPAP Assassin likes this.
  15. Nalin Galappaththi

    Nalin Galappaththi Member

    May 8, 2017
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    Thanks, agree with you and I will be able to fix the departmental quality objectives (SMART) with my team.
    The PPAP Assassin likes this.
  16. Nalin Galappaththi

    Nalin Galappaththi Member

    May 8, 2017
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    Thanks for the direction,