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Reducing Setup Time for Stone drilling

Discussion in 'Manufacturing and Related Processes' started by Landocommando798, Oct 3, 2018.

  1. Landocommando798

    Landocommando798 New Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    Hi all,

    I'm unsure if this is the right place to post this... but what the hell I'm sure someone will correct me if it's not.

    I work for a precision stone manufacturer working with granite and a few other types of natural stone products. We utilize some old (1940's) drilling machines that are accurate, but have a long setup time. In particular, establishing our X and Y datum reference and calibration, along with checking and adjusting the levelness of the stone. This machinery is old and doesn't have the ability to compensate should one of these things be off, it has to be manually adjusted by the operator and rechecked. This is compounded by the fact that we handle stones of varying dimensions on each system on a daily bases (ranging from ~14" to well over 150").

    I have been looking into laser axis measurement systems and have very little understanding of what to look for. Is something along the lines of the Renishaw XL-80 laser system a potential solution? If I am looking for the wrong thing I would appreciate any feedback I could get!
  2. Andy Nichols

    Andy Nichols Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    In the "Rust Belt"
    It could be. Have you contacted a Renishaw tech sales/applications person to discuss? Let me know if you need a name, I may be able to help (what country are you in?)
  3. Landocommando798

    Landocommando798 New Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    That would be great! I filled a contact request form out days ago and haven't heard anything from them since, any contact help would be greatly appreciated!