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Clause 4.2 of ISO 9001:2015 relating to interested parties.

Discussion in 'ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management Systems' started by MRQMS, Oct 31, 2017.

  1. MRQMS

    MRQMS Member

    Oct 31, 2017
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    If we consider an interested party is relevant to our QMS, would we need to specify them specifically by name or just a general heading, for example Certified Bodies or Certified Bodies - SGS, ISO?

  2. MRQMS

    MRQMS Member

    Oct 31, 2017
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    Sorry someone else already asked pretty much the same question so reading the responses. Cheers to all.
  3. tony s

    tony s Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2015
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    Laguna Philippines
    I'm just curious. Where do you intend to specify them?
  4. MRQMS

    MRQMS Member

    Oct 31, 2017
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    Basically we only have two things to address Clauses 4.2 & Clause 6.1.1 and 6.1.2.

    Our auditor said he would put them down on our last audit as a Non Conformance so it would be a reminder to address these early next year before our next audit and to satisfy the changes for ISO9001:20015 with the transition due by 14th September 2018.

    From what I can read, google, youtube etc. the interested parties would be listed in a table with the concerns, risks, opportunities & monitoring.

    We have a Weekly Action Meeting with Management which already covers a lot of the monitoring in particular our Management Review items e.g. MR1 Quality Policy, MR2 Customer Satisfaction Survey Summary, MR3 Customer Feedback Summary etc.

    Our Weekly Action Meetings agenda covers Lates, H&S, CARs etc. so I just tagged in our MR items. The MR items are only reviewed when required based on its frequency which could be monthly to annually so doesn't really impact too much on the Weekly Action Meetings as they are spread out over the year and pretty easy to manage as all our management staff are already attending this meeting lead by our GM. Its is so much easier than having to organize a separate meeting.

    I am going to tag the new requirements as another Management Review item which will be a document called "ISO9001:2015 - Scope and Interested Parties" to be review annually to see if its all still relevant etc. Its a one page document with the table and a short spiel which I'll also refer to the six market model being used to determine our Interested Parties. They are listed just by the groups not being too specific and just the key top 5
    i.e. Suppliers, Certified Bodies, Corporate, Employees, Customers.

    From what I can see we are already monitoring all of these Interested Parties and as mentioned mainly through our Weekly Action Meetings but we just needed to make it a bit clearer for the auditor who I queried recently about listing specifically and he also said no need to be specific as if you were to do that, then if they change, you would need to change your documents.

    The bottom line I'll go with what I feel will work for our company and what we have already in place or even put in place driven through corporate.
    I always prefer to look at how the standard can work with our business rather than against it which makes it much easier to implement but still meeting the requirements of the standard. If its not right I am sure the auditor will let me know on the next audit and I'll go from there.
  5. Andy Nichols

    Andy Nichols Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    In the "Rust Belt"
    That's IF your auditor knows, of course. Experience shows most auditors have little/no clue what this is about...

    Were you nonconforming? Their job is NOT to provide memory-jogging service. Were you audited to the 2015 requirements or to the 2015?
  6. MRQMS

    MRQMS Member

    Oct 31, 2017
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    Generally I find our auditors do know the standards and pretty informed.

    I personally think its interpretation of the standard where it can be confusing. Everyone might take a different approach but achieve the same out comes as long it pleases the standard, its effective and works.

    The standard also has to be pretty broad brush like "keep the floor clean" it doesn't get into the specifics "clean the floor every hour" as long as the floor is clean no dramas.

    We were audited earlier in the year to ISO9001:2008, the auditor recommended to put it down as NC, yes as a memory-jogging service and to action before the next annual audit otherwise we would have to pay for another audit later in the year to comply with ISO9001:2015. I also thought it was a great idea as the auditors assessments are part of our Management Reviews and it would get every ones attention "NC" and on board with the changes.

    I am based in New Zealand, and being doing this QMS for a bit but must admit it can be pretty dull at times. Not NZ the QMS bit. I can not believe how refreshing it has been to find this site and actually discuss QMS with people in the same boat and I really appreciate your thoughts and comments.
    Andy Nichols likes this.
  7. Golfman25

    Golfman25 Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2015
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    Makes no sense. You can only be audited to 2008 or 2015. Are you sure it was a nonconformance and not an opportunity for improvement?
  8. MRQMS

    MRQMS Member

    Oct 31, 2017
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    Yes major NC. I hear what your saying Golfman25 but as I had mentioned it worked for me as any major NC are brought to the attention of all Management as I have our Quality Objectives after an External Audit = No major NC.
  9. tony s

    tony s Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2015
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    Laguna Philippines
    You were given a Major NC for a standard your organization does not subscribe yet? Did the external auditor put this "NC" officially in their report? How did the auditor describe the NC?
    There are times you need to do things to get the attention of the management, but allowing a "wrong" audit finding to "correct" the commitment of the management could put you in a bad position.
  10. Andy Nichols

    Andy Nichols Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    In the "Rust Belt"
    Wow! Seriously? This is the way you have to get your management's attention? I'd be pulling my cv/resume together...